While Jess and Storm are having exciting and interesting experiences with their fair tests, my rocket is steadily growing away ... at an extremely slow and disappointing pace!
My yard isn't the ideal place to grow things though. We originally had a grassy open back yard but my parents didn't have much luck in growing things, after many attempts they admitted defeat and decided to pave and patio it all! We now have a select few plants that grow in the retaining walls that line our backyard and some pot plants.
Because of the lack of light in our backyard throughout the day I struggled to find a place that the plants would have enough sunlight and shade.They now reside on the side of the house (also fully paved) in their pots and look very displaced in our concrete backyard.
I wonder if brown thumb is genetic.
It's important though, that in undertaking this fair test and in the experience of attempting to grow our own food we learn to work with the environment we have. Not everyone has the luxury of a backyard or a patch of ground to grow veges and herbs in. For our future students this will be a powerful lesson, we might not be able to do much with what we have, but we should do what we can.
Every little effort makes a difference.
It's up to us to see the value of that small contribution and pass it on to others. See this article on David Suzuki's website that outlines some ways you can make a difference too.
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