Field Trips

As field trips play an important role in inquiry-based learning models, we visited Northey Street City Farm to enrich our own learning and find out more about growing organic fruit and vegetables. While we were there we bought the produce that we're going to each grow for our fair test and took a few photos to document our field trip.

Northey Street's organic markets happen every Sunday and it's more than just organic fruit and vegetables. There are stalls offering many types of organic products from candles to body lotions and everything in between. We had such a great day! The sun was shining and we loved exploring the garden and watching the chooks in their pen. We recommend you take some time out of your busy schedules to experience it for yourselves! See some more photos here.

They also have a range of workshops and educational programs for schools and the public to participate in. So check out their website - there is a link on the right hand side of this blog.